A Keyhole-Shaped Tomb: Mori Shogunzuka Kofun (Nagano Prefecture).

The late 4th century AD burial is located on a hill. You have a stunning view from this spot. Go and see Nagano and spend a half day at this site and it’s nearby museums.
Reproduced haniwa on the top of the burial mound. Haniwa are ceramic funerary sculptures on mounded tomb surfaces during the Kofun period. 
I would like to officially declare my love for haniwas. 🙂 Ich muss mich outen: ich liebe Haniwas. Die Vielfalt dieser unglasierten Grabfiguren Japans ist faszinierend.
Just another perspective. Blick Richtung Berg.
From far distance. Auch aus weiterer Entfernung ist die Steinaufschüttung von dem Grab aus der Kofun-Zeit gut erkennbar.

Hanabi Fun at the Sea!

Incredible fireworks! The people in Japan truely know how to make a good show. The Kashiwazaki fireworks over the sea went on for 2 hours. 2 hours? Really? You need alot of sponsors to make it! 😉



… the most useful word in Japan. It means sorry. Sorry for leaving YOU here without any updates on Japanese culture for the last couple of days.

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